Initiates the "relaxation response," which is fostered when the mind is freed from its many distractions. This decreases the sympathetic function of the autonomic nervous system, which reduces heart rat eand blood pressure, dilates the blood capillaries, and optimizes the delivery of oxygen and nutrition to the tissues.
Alters the neurochemistry profile toward accelerated inner healing function. Neurotransmitters, also called information molecules, bond with receptor sites in the immune, nervous, digestive, endocrine and other systems to excite or inhibit function to moderate pain, enhance organ capacity, reduce anxiety or depression, and neutralize addictive cravings.
Enhances the efficiency of the immune system through increased rate and flow of the lymphatic fluid and activation of immune cells. Resistance to disease and infection is accelerated by the elimination of toxic metabolic byproducts from the interstitital spaces in the tissues, organs, and glands through the lymphatic system.
Induces alpha and, in some cases, theta brain waves which reduce heart rate and blood pressure, facilitating relaxation, and mental focus; this optimizes the body's self-regulative mechanisms by decreasing the activity of the sympathetic nervous system.
Increases the efficiency of cell metabolism and tissue regeneration through increased circulation of oxygen and nutrient rich blood to the brain, organs, and tissues.
Coordinates and balances right/left brain hemisphere dominance promoting deeper sleep, reduced anxiety, and mental clarity.
Moderates the function of the hypothalamus, pituitary, and pineal glands, as well as the cerebrospinal fluid system of the brain and spinal cord, which manages pain and mood as well as optimizing immune function
Tai Chi & Qigong are effective adjuncts to recovery programs (cancer, cardiac, diabetes, stroke, parkinson's post partum, psychiatric disorders, addictions)